Monday 13 April 2020

Happy Easter Everyone!

Yesterday was Easter, and it was lots of fun! My Dad and Uncle did our BBQ for dinner and then my Mum and Nan wanted to bake cupcakes so me and my sisters and brother helped them. Music was playing and we all were singing. I can smell the chocolate cupcakes and the yummy BBQ and it made me so hungry. My aunty came and bring my favorite cousin JJ and he came and join us for our Easter celebration. We had to do a little prayer to start of the day. Once  that was finished we all went outside to play our games, and our mum hide the Easter Eggs so that we could go and find them. When that was finish we all came together and went to the tree to beat up our home made Pinata. It was very hard but then when my big sister went, she broke both of them. When we finished we all went to the table to eat our yummy BBQ. I eat all the smoky meet and the potato salad. I got so full that I wanted to try our cupcakes we made in the morning! It was delicious. I saw smoke coming from behind the back house and saw that my mum was making a fire pit so we could fire some marshmallows I thought the day was finish but it wasn't. It was so tasty that I had lots of Marshmallows, we also malted the Easter eggs with the marshmallows. It was such a fun day!    

1 comment:

  1. It looked like you had so much fun Sa. What was your favourite part???????


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